"As a young man, the advantages of education were unfortunately not within my reach, and I have to-day at my advanced age to confess myself 'no scholar'. Throughout my long life I have daily realised all I have missed for want of a sound education, and it was with the idea of in some measure providing for others what I was myself denied that I determined to offer to erect at my own cost a building which should bring within their reach those educational advantages which I have myself so greatly missed", remarked Sir H N Mody, the major donor towards the founding of The University, at the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony on March 16, 1910. This bust was presented by the Incorporated Trustees of the Zoroastrian Charity Funds of Hong Kong, Canton and Macao to commemorate the 90th Anniversary of the University.
Every year on 12th October, the birthday of Sir H N Mody, the local Zoroastrian community commemorates his generosity to the University by having their priest place a garland of flowers around the bust.
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