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Credit Card   Cheque

Donate online using your Visa or Mastercard. 
We encourage you to use your HKU credit card as not only will the bank charge be waived, The Bank of East Asia will also contribute the equivalent of 0.4% of your donation to the HKU Foundation.


Please make the crossed cheque payable to "The University of Hong Kong" and send it with the donation form to:

Development & Alumni Affairs Office
The University of Hong Kong,
738, 7/F, Knowles Building,
Pokfulam, Hong Kong

  1. All data will be treated in strict confidence. Please refer to privacy policy statement at http://www.hku.hk/privacy_policy/

  2. Receipts will be issued for donations of HK$100 or above for tax-deduction purposes.  The University of Hong Kong, under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, is exempt from any tax as it is an educational institution of a public character.

  3. Donations from the US and Canada are eligible for tax deductions and will also count towards membership of the HKU Foundation.  Details
  4. - Donations from the US should be made by crossed cheque, payable to "Friends of the University of Hong Kong, Ltd", and sent to "Friends of HKU", 1321 Sydney Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, USA. Donations are eligible for US tax deductions under Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code.
    - HKU has been prescribed by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency as a qualified donee outside Canada. Canadian citizens and corporations can contribute to the University and official donation receipts will be issued for tax deduction purposes under the Income Tax Act of Canada.

  5. The information you provide will be used only for the purpose of processing your donation and matters related to the University.

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